October 27, 2010

New Season...

Snow has finally fallen here in the rocky mountains. One day it was sixty degrees, and the next day there was snow.  Today is the first I have seen of Mt. Shavano for a couple days.  It is definitely a mind switch to accept the realities of winter.  I think I was made for the tropics.....

September and October was full of volleyball, soccer, and visitors.  It was great!
I was able to help with Salida's eighth grade volleyball team that Sarah was a part of.  It was so much fun teaching the basics of volleyball, and hopefully instilling a love of the game to those girls.  I'm amazed at how much talking/teaching there is to do at that age.  The girls did very well.  One of the teams took second in their tournament and the other team took first.  Sarah and her friend Jami, who had never played before, both had fun and are considering playing at high school next year.  Success!

Bekah has been playing soccer this fall.  It is a long season, and thankfully, a beautiful one.  She is on an inter mountain traveling team, and the kids from Salida are impressive among some of the other mountain communities.  They are being well taught, and she is really enjoying it.  She has two more games, so hopefully the "real" snow will hold off a little while longer. 

Our home has been full of lots of visitors this summer/ fall, and it has been such a blessing to us!  We enjoyed the company of our friends the Olstads, who shared with us four wheeling, hiking and all around laughs.  They are good folks!  Next came two of my girlfriends, Nancy and Jenny.  They also enjoyed four wheeling in the splendor of fall.  It was spectacular!  Spent some time at the hot springs, mini golf, and trap shooting!  If you're in CO, you might as well shoot something!  It was fun to spend "girl" time with them - laughing at nothing in particular, and catching up.
Joe came out next and spent a few days doing life with us here in Salida.  He and Jim had some real quality time together.  He is definitely an encouragement to my husband, and if you know Joe, you know he is always fun to have around.  Friends are just a ointment to the soul!

My folks just left for home on Monday.  After my dad officially retired at the end of September, they spent three weeks here. They were able to enjoy the beautiful surroundings, and spent time with us as well as Donna and the kids. 
I was only too aware of what they must have been experiencing while they were here.  The last time they were in Salida was after Steve's death.  It has been almost ten months, and while we struggle to accept the new normal here, it was their first experience with it.  They are amazing people, and I hope God ministered to their hearts, with healing and hope.  We all had a great visit, and are excited about their new "freedom" in retirement.

Last week, our family took our biannual (at least that what it has been for the last three years) trip to AZ to return the four wheelers to Jim's folks.  It is always nice to spend a couple days in Scottsdale by the pool, walking down to the corner store for a smoothie, and enjoying the company of Jim and Ginny and Aunt Janis. 
Jim and I went from AZ down to San Diego to watch a family friend graduate from Marine boot camp.  Cool experience!  I have decided that I would make a great Drill Instructor! My poor children...... :)
Looks like Christmas is bringing the whole LaCroix clan to our place.  I am so looking foreword to that.

It is hard to believe that winter has made it around again.  In the past ten months my life has looked very different than what I imagined it would.  Jim and I are not sure what the job situation is here yet.  Both of us are reminded time and time again, that His ways are not our ways. We hang on for the adventure and look for Him to do mighty big things!  Will be in touch with updates regarding this.

The healing continues.  I am so aware of those emotions that lurk just under the surface.  Tears are still quick and surprising.  Normal is not at all normal yet.  Still expect to see Steve come around a corner or hear his voice.... Donna is an amazing lady, and God has really done a neat work in her as she heals.  She continues to be such an encouragement to me. 

I have a decision as to how I will approach winter this year.  I want to approach it with a heart that has not grown weary and, indeed, with an attitude more determined to focus on the important things of this life. 
To be obedient, and to give thanks in all things.  Looks like a big mountain to get over. But, as Private Shank shared of his hike up the "Reaper" - the final challenge in Marine boot camp - it's just one step at a time, and you just keep goin'.

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Romans 12:2

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.

January 14, 2008 - moving

January 14, 2008 - moving
On the road to our new home

Gilmore House

Gilmore House
Jim's office is on the far right

CO house

CO house
Mountain range with our home (to be) in foreground

A great view

A great view
A great view from the kitchen!

New Office

New Office
My new office...I love it!

Snow Sculpture

Snow Sculpture
Snow Sculpture - Bronco

Nancy & Bekah

Nancy & Bekah
Bekah's "red" arm

