March 10, 2011

Spring Alert

New calves are in the fields, green "things" in the grass, wind that, in all likelihood, should blow my house down, and red winged black birds;  all signs of spring.  Finally.
Another spring means we made it through another winter.  Fifteen months today, Steve left to be with the Lord.  I wonder if and when there will be a time that I'm not counting the days. 
Sure love him, and so wish he would be walking thru my front door for a cup of coffee and a chat.  Lots of laughter has transferred from here to heaven.  He always had a lot of joy......  I sure miss him. 

Since the last time I wrote - some things have solidified for us as far as job situations go.
Jim is working full time at Pursell Manufacturing.  He is doing warehouse work as well as office stuff.  Most of you who follow this also know that Jim is pursuing a Young Life chapter in Salida as well. 
He has done a very good job in praying about, organizing, and following through with all the steps needed to get this going.  It is really cool to see who God is bringing to the different "teams". 
It is a good fit for Jim, since he already has relationships with kids in the high school and different youth pastors around town.  He's also been in contact with the high school principal, and is looked upon with favor in the"adult" community.  Jim is easy to like.
You can be praying for the two teams.  We so want to do this right - to be the arm that reaches the unreached kids.  Pray that God would give us the passion and the energy to be out there among them.  Pray as well for the local churches - that they would be able and willing to disciple newcomers who want a deeper relationship with Christ.  And, pray for the families of the kids that are introduced to Christ.
What a great "front line" opportunity this is for us!

I am still home with the kids.  We are actually testing this week.  I'm nauseous.  It really is me who is being tested isn't it???
Pretty sure that next year will look very different for us.  Bekah is excited about going to the middle school.  She was able to shadow a 7th grade friend.  She was ready to go back the next day!  Sarah is contemplating the high school next year.  It takes her longer to decide things, and she doesn't thrive on the constant interaction the way Rebekah does.  I think Sarah will shadow her cousin Ellie who is a freshman this year.  Hopefully that will give her a better idea of what her options are.

Jim and I have had the opportunity to spend lots of time with Donna and whatever kids happen to be around at the time! :)  It's so great to have them so close and to do life with them.  The Gilmore's are doing very well overall.  We have also been able to spend some time with the Pursells - Alan and Dawn.  Such great friends!  Together we are praying for a family in Salida, whose eleven year old daughter is fighting for her life against Ewing Sarcoma cancer.   Emily is a friend to my Bekah, and Sarah - Em's sister is a friend to my Sarah.  We love Bobbi and DJ and little Nicholas and just ache for them all .  You can check out Emilies story on and visit EmilyWilson.  Please pray for a miracle.  God is certainly able...

It has been hard to see the pain that comes with life.  A very sweet man that goes to First Baptist is facing one year today without his wife.  She died of cancer right after Steve.  I don't know if the pain I see and experience is more prevalent now because I'm getting older, of if it's because I live in a small town, and know a lot of what's happening...  All I know is this life can be really hard. 

I don't wish to imagine life without hope.
I am doing a Bible study with the same great ladies that I have been studying with the last couple years now.  We are doing Jesus, the One and Only by Beth Moore.  I did this study some years ago - Bekah was still in an infant car seat at the time.  It has been wonderful focusing again on the life and ministry of Christ.
He is compassionate, sweet, and able to change us and heal us.  The fact that we can live lives that impress God is remarkable.  I was reminded this week that those who truly love God will pursue an obedient life
(John 14:21) and can persevere in trials (James 1:12).  I want to be that woman. I want that for everyone I know!! Only then we we truly be living!  Our circumstances don't change who God is, and what he will accomplish.  I certainly struggle with situations, but I know that I can struggle with the Lord on those things.  He is sufficient.

My folks come tomorrow for a couple weeks.  Can't wait!  Then - off to MX for spring break!  Thanks Wikenheisers! 
Thanks for your prayers and your interest in our lives.  CO is a wonderful place for us to be.  If you haven't been out for a visit - plan to come this year! Summer is the best!!!!

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Romans 12:2

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.

January 14, 2008 - moving

January 14, 2008 - moving
On the road to our new home

Gilmore House

Gilmore House
Jim's office is on the far right

CO house

CO house
Mountain range with our home (to be) in foreground

A great view

A great view
A great view from the kitchen!

New Office

New Office
My new office...I love it!

Snow Sculpture

Snow Sculpture
Snow Sculpture - Bronco

Nancy & Bekah

Nancy & Bekah
Bekah's "red" arm

