July 7, 2009

Summer in the Mountains

Welcome to summer in the mountains. This year is certainly different from last. This summer finds us more "at home" in many ways here. We have been in our home for one year now - and many of the projects are complete. As with any home - there will always be some things that need our attention, but nothing that can't wait! Jim just finished putting my screen door up - ahhh!

We are also much more at home with our church, and church family. We have done a lot of growing in many ways. Our numbers are increasing steadily, but the relationships within the church are stronger, and more lasting than last year at this time. Being genuine and intentional have made realtionships "real."
Currently, our small group is taking some time away from our Friday night study to get together socially. There is still a Bible based parenting class happening each Sunday PM which has been very helpful to those who attend.
Sunday mornings are never predictable. Last week, we thought there would be very few in attendance due to the holiday weekend. We were adding chairs right up through communion time. Go figure! There is a sweet spirit here right now - one that is encouraging, discerning, and loving. Please pray that it would stay, and draw those who it.

Camping is something that many folks do here. We are in the heart of the mountains, so good camping is only minutes away. Every year, the middle school has a quilting show, that kicks us out of our normal meeting place for a week. This year, we decided to do some camping and have church at the same time. If you love the outdoors, you would love this. It was great! We had guitars, campfire, snacks, dogs..... Pastor Kyle did a nice message, then we shared an early lunch together. It is certainly something we will do again.

Jim has been working with the Southwest Conservation Corps since we have been back from our wonderful time to MN. He and another woman supervise high school kids as they do work around the Salida / Buena Visat area. They do team building, and have educational days on Fridays. Last week he came home and showed us how to do some Yoga positions he learned. We were quite a site after supper sprawled all over the kitchen floor.

The girls are having fun sleeping in, playing with their cats, doing volleyball (open gym), and hiking with friends (I am loving that too!) They have both changed a lot this summer - just getting older. I sure enjoy my days with them, and am so grateful for the life we do together.

Here are some ways you can pray for us this month:
  • That the church would continue to move in the direction that God wants it to. Jim is putting together a big youth outreach for the city and is seeking God's blessing and direction and details of that effort. Other churches / leaders are involved, and that doesn't happen much in this city!
  • The inner workings of HRCC. Board, Elders, etc. Our two years are up come January. Will the church be able to support two pastors? Should it? What is right for the church? For us? Lots of unknowns there.
  • Work. Jim will need to find another part time job once this SWCC is finished (end of the month.) God has continued to provide for us and we are grateful.
  • Schooling for the girls. As a family, we have decided to homeschool again this upcoming year. With that comes lots of decisions. We want to do the right thing for them, (and I always need encouragement and prayer in this area!)
  • That we would continue to see the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, and allow God to do the building in us and in Salida. This is home to us, and we care a great deal about what happens here. We are so thankful that God has the plan, and the power to accomplish all he want's to do!
Thank you for journeying so far with us.
Blessings to you and our to our wonderful USA this July.

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Romans 12:2

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.

January 14, 2008 - moving

January 14, 2008 - moving
On the road to our new home

Gilmore House

Gilmore House
Jim's office is on the far right

CO house

CO house
Mountain range with our home (to be) in foreground

A great view

A great view
A great view from the kitchen!

New Office

New Office
My new office...I love it!

Snow Sculpture

Snow Sculpture
Snow Sculpture - Bronco

Nancy & Bekah

Nancy & Bekah
Bekah's "red" arm

